Thursday, January 20, 2011

Going further

From the beginning of this project, it was my hope that this wouldn't be MY project. Instead, I hoped that it would become OUR project. My dream was to see my friends, family, my friends' friends, and more come together to build a well.

One of the biggest encouragements this month has thus been watching others grab onto this project and make it their own. Here are some of their stories.

B and M have committed to giving $20 every month to see another person receive clean water for 20 years. I remember speaking with B right after the 20/20 special aired, which included a segment on charity:water. B said to me "$20 for 20 years? How could I not want to keep giving to that? We can do $20!"

M has decided that she is going to give up her 2011 birthday to raise money for charity:water. Instead of getting cards, presents, and her favorite: TV on DVD sets, M will be asking her friends and family to donate the money that they would have spent on her to charity:water.

M also wears a charity:water wristband every day. Whenever clients ask her about it, she tells them all about the clean water problem in our world and lets them know what they can do to help. An appointment with M is no longer just a hair cut; it's an education in compassion.

K has decided that instead of enjoying her once a month guilt free fried chicken day or vending machine treats during the work day, she will donate the money she would have spent on those treats to charity:water. She has committed to doing this for the next year and will be giving at least $84. That's four more people who will have clean water all because of K and J's sacrifice.

A is working towards a goal of getting ten people to donate $20 each to our campaign. When she is successful, ten more people will get clean drinking water for 20 years.

T didn't know me until a few weeks ago. She doesn't even live in the same state as me. But, she found out about the water project through a mutual friend and listened to God telling her to pay attention. She has since spread the call for clean water for all people to her church in Savannah.

My forever friends K and S have consistently used their Facebook statuses to highlight our water project. They are getting the word out to their friends in Connecticut and New Hampshire.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
                          - 2 Chronicles 7:14

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