Saturday, January 22, 2011

Have Faith

When I was in graduate school, my precious friend Shannon felt led to spend six months in India serving God. She asked me to be her contact person in the U.S. while she was gone. Mostly this meant I sent emails on her behalf to her supporters and put together a monthly newsletter for her.

A few months into her stay in India, Shannon felt God telling her that six months wasn't enough time. He wanted her there a whole year. Now Shannon had only raised support for six months. This change meant that she needed to raise another $9,000 very quickly. But, being out of the country, it wasn't possible to raise the funds on her own. She asked me to lead the effort here in the States.

It did not go smoothly or easily. For the few months I had to raise the money, the first couple of them saw minimal donations coming in. I prayed; I asked other people to pray; I sent mailings; I spoke at our church; I contacted other churches. It didn't look good but Shannon and I never gave up our faith that God would raise the funds to support the task He had given her.

At what seemed like the last minute, we received our miracle. All the funds Shannon needed came in within a week and a half period. Shannon was able to stay in India the full year, and I learned an awe-inspiring lesson in what faith in God's provision looks like.

So, here we are with 49 days left in our campaign and $3631 left to raise towards our $5000 goal. Is this an insurmountable goal? Of course not. Jesus promises us that with Him all things are possible. But, will it happen? I don't know.

What I do know is that whether the money is raised or not, my faith will not flounder. A whole community may not receive clean water but so far at least 68 people will. Even if that number was only one, this project would be a success. And, I would still be praising God for His faithfulness.

Please join me in prayer that the final money towards our $5000 goal would be raised but only after first worshipping God for His great faithfulness.


  1. Praise to our Faithful God -Jehovah Jirah, The One Who Provides.
    He has the waters in His hands. He has those in need in His heart. He has overflowing riches stored in the lives of His people. The wells are His to give and He will provide! I love being on His team!

    xoxoxo THE ACM

  2. Great seeing you this morning, friend. Pray the lunch time was great and definitely praying with you for the full $5,000 [and then some]!! <3
