Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's your God idea?

So, we all have good ideas, right? They can be about anything, happen at any time, and always cause interesting dinner conversations.

Good ideas are things like:
Maybe I should turn one side of my two car garage into a workout area
Maybe I should take my dog to dog school for the third time (Sorry, Darcy!)

But what about the ideas we have which are actually God ideas? Have you ever had one of those ideas that won't leave you alone? It comes across your mind one day, and all of a sudden, everywhere you go, things keep happening that relate to it. Every conversation seems to apply in some way. You start running into people who know something about some aspect of the idea. You're visiting a random blog on the internet, and your heart perks up at something the author wrote which applies to your idea. Sermons at church keep speaking to your idea. Or, the idea keeps coming back into your mind every time you pray.

God ideas are things like:
Starting an after school literacy program for at risk kids
Running a marathon to raise money for an important cause
Asking Oprah to use her O to raise money for clean water

The question isn't if you are going to get God ideas. It is what you are going to do once you get them.

To read two more eloquent and detailed descriptions of good vs. God ideas, please visit:
One God Idea by Mark Batterson
Good Idea or God Idea? by Scott Greene

1 comment:

  1. If you want a "A" or a "C" or a "M," I am willing to donate to your cause

    xoxoxox THE ACM
